Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Looking for Freedom in the Middile East

Freedom is the utmost important right for every humans. The wave of ordinary people in Tunisia to take the streets for their rights from the country tyrant and succeed in doing so have made every tyrants all over the world shivering to their bones. They are running out of time and as usual this tyrants are turning to religion to save their seat of power.

Freedom is the utmost important right for every humans. The wave of ordinary people in Tunisia to take the streets for their rights from the country tyrant and succeed in doing so have made every tyrants all over the world shivering to their bones. They are running out of time and as usual this tyrants are turning to religion to save their seat of power.

Some of the reader in certain Asian country disliked what have been highlighted by writers that touch on human rights issue in Asian and especially Muslim majority country. However those that complains and even to the extend of threatening the safety of writers can be questioned their identities and intentions. Nobody in the right mind would like their human rights be taken away by power-hungry politician.

Bahrain, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and many more the ordinary people are taking to the streets and their demand are simple ; BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS!

Those countries leaders proudly declared they are the beholden and protector of Islam but their reaction to the demands of the little people are outrages! Those ordinary people are beaten, shot with lived bullet and even bomb by the used of fighter jets and tanks just for the sake of a few greedy men.

Politician in those trouble nations been going around Muslim country asking for help by using Islam as a reason. There's none truth what so ever for this type of leader when they talk about Islam. If they really a true Muslim none of this would happen. People wouldn't be hungry or crime wouldn't be rampant or even no child be working to help their parents to put food on the table.

In Bahrain the leaders through their kin in Saudi been going around to other Muslim leader and ask to send arm forces to quash the uprising. They are pleading if Bahrain government of the day fall then it will be the end of Sunni Muslim. How stupid the reason sound. Sunni is Muslim and Shia is Muslim so what the problems. If Shia is deviate from the true teaching of Islam why does Iran and Syria been accepted into OIC. Even majority of religious scholar doesn't have the balls to declare Shia as a deviate teaching. So stop using Shia as the reason for you to hold to power!

Woman been jailed, some were raped, even kidnapped and nobody knows of this women fates. They are treated worst then an enemy combatant during war. Children became orphan because their mom and dad got killed by the police and army. All this incidents will create a long-term problem for those country even if democracy win over dictatorship.

Libya, just because of a single crazy man thousand had died and still many more to come. Even the NATO air force can't find this man and not because he been protected by Allah but he is hiding like a scary little mouse in a hole. If Muammar Khadafi a true leader he will be leading his men to the battle field. Please tyrants of the world don't ever quote from the great Prophet (pbuh) just for the sake of power. Leaders like Muammar Khadafi been slandering Islam since day one he got on to power. No true leader of Islam will shot a civil airline out of the sky. No leaders of Islam will jailed or killed religious scholar for advising the leader to be compassion.

Saudi Arabia should be the one that lead the Ummah to reform countries that are ruled by tyrants. Two of the holiest place on earth are with them but the Saudi political leaders been showing bad example to the Ummah and to other non Muslim society. Saudi shouldn't be the spoke person for those tyrants. Better yet Saudi should be the one that encourage those tyrants to let the people choose their fate.

The non Muslim countries been fooled by those tyrants which have tarnished the image of Islam. Those tyrants are worst than the terrorist leaders. They been lying and preaching Islam of their owned version. The ignorance of true Islam teaching among the non Muslim have made them assumed Islam as a religion that breed corrupt and power-hungry leaders. If true Islam been used those tyrants would already lose their head for cruelty done to the ordinary people. Leadership in Islam is not an easy task,a leader that stray away from the fundamental rights of the people would automatically be thrown out of his seat.

To the ordinary people in Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and all other countries that are taking the street the world are praying for you and may the people power would bring down tyrants from their pedestals.

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